In 2012, France declared the year of "the struggle against loneliness" as a worrying phenomenon. While Natasha Bernal was preparing her 2nd Startup, a playful site for friendly encounters, the presidential elections occupied the public space.
Unemployment was the number one concern on television. The government of François Hollande had just been recently elected, when the Minister of Labour, Mr Sapin at this time, launched on the television taunting "if you have solutions to unemployment, I am taker", she took him at his word. Indeed, it was necessary to transform the National Agency "Pole Emploi". She had experienced it both as a younger job seeker and, more recently, as a recruiter, and found the public service far below what could lead to effective action.
In a few days, she went around the issue of unemployment by swallowing everything she could find on the internet: an abundant scathing press, testimonies of disgruntled users ironically about the grotesque they are facing, organisation and costs of the structure (EPA, public institution of an administrative nature, 5 billion €), dissection of the official web platform, hidden cameras and videos showing aberrations, documentaries showing the malfunctions from the inside, broken lives and monstrous difficulties, people living even in their cars, scandals and immolations in front of the Agencies, even fatal gunshots from people getting crazy or the nervous breakdown of Pole Emploi's agents themselves pushed to the limit. The situation was much worse than she thought.